Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 21

Super Tuesday! The democratic caucus for the Mat-Su valley was uncharacteristically huge. The fire marshal kicked us out of the Grandview Hotel/Banquet hall because there were too many people. Apparently, the anticipated maximum participation would be around 90 people (2004 had only 38! The valley is notorious for being mostly republican) and we ended up with ??? more than 600, I would guess. 187 for my district and there were 4 more districts with about the same turn out. Pretty cool. Ok, so again, I am thankful for the opportunity to be involved in my community and for the right to vote.

2. I am thankful for finding a parking spot as soon as I got to campus this morning. Someone kindly let me in their spot. Those considerate people always brighten my day.

3. I am thankful for the amount of people that showed up tonight. I know, back to the caucus. The woman standing next to us at Grandview (before we were booted out) said she had been an independent for the last 30 years and was changing her affiliation for the night to caucus for Barak or Hillary. I am grateful that she left her house, and altered her affiliation just to exercise her political voice.

4. Also, there was a 91 year old woman at Wasilla High (where we were moved to) who came out to exercise her vote. A lot of people her age would have not bothered.

5. I am thankful that Ben is willing to help out. He located the elevator for the previously mentioned 91 year old and then escorted her downstairs.

6. My mom took a personal day from work to watch my kids. That was nice. We had been planning the morning babysitting for sometime. Then she agreed to watch the kids while we went to caucus and ended up staying up past her bedtime. I am grateful for that.

Now, it is past my bedtime so I will have to end here.

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